Exchange 2010 & GoDaddy UCC certificate walkthrough - Ramblings from The Montopolis Group If you want to use a GoDaddy UCC certificate with Exchange 2010, you’ll run into a few problems using the new certificate GUI tools. Since GoDaddy does not provide a PFX certificate to download, you have to use the PowerShell command line. Though you can
How to Use a Self Signed Certificate in Exchange 2010 | Article Updated : Using a internal windows CA certificate with Exchange 2010 Using a Self Sign Certificate can Manage Owa alone, But Issuing a ... Final Update: all working now. The authentication issue appears to have been down to switching to Kernel mod
Lync Server 2010 / Exchange Server 2010 UM Integration – Certificate Issue | IT Guides Symptom I recently came across an interesting issue when trying to integrate Lync Server 2010 with Exchange Server 2010 SP1 Unified Messaging. The symptom was that, whenever we tried to transfer a call from the Auto Attendant to a Lync Server telephone ..
Configuring 3rd Party Exchange Certificate in Exchange 2010 | Exchange 2010 creates a self-signed SAN certificate and assigns it to the services like IMAP, POP, IIS, and SMTP. The only drawback of this self-signed
Outlook Autodiscover Certificate Prompts After Installing Exchange 2010 | Scott Jaworski's Blog Symptoms After installing the first Exchange 2010 server, Outlook 2007 clients or later might see the new server when "looking" for their mailbox. This can cause a certificate prompt for Outlook with the following text. Security alert autodiscover.domain.
Exchange 2010 用戶憑證申請| MIS的背影 2012年3月27日 - Exchange 2010 申請提供內外部使用的owa 及activesync 的憑證. 1.建立憑證申請檔案.
Exchange 2010 移除預設自我簽署憑證| MIS的背影 2012年3月28日 - 在Exchange 2010 申請好用戶連線的憑證後,當用戶連線owa 時會發現. 雖然可以連線會 ...
建立新的Exchange 憑證: Exchange 2010 說明 - TechNet 適用版本: Exchange Server 2010 SP2, Exchange Server 2010 SP3. 上次修改主題的時間: 2011-03-19.
更新Exchange 憑證: Exchange 2010 說明 - TechNet - Microsoft 您可以使用[更新Exchange 憑證] 精靈來更新現有的Exchange 安全通訊端層(SSL) 憑證。
Exchange 2010 憑證問題- iT邦幫忙::IT知識分享社群 2011年10月19日 - CA 應該是建在你的DC 上面, 不是在Exchange 上面. Exchange 是先自己產生憑證 申請檔(.req) ...